Sunday, July 17, 2011

Daylight in the Swamp!

Got an early start Sunday morning - left Kearney NE at 8am.  Gained an hour on the drive to Golden, CO. Arrived at our campground at 2:30pm MT.  Finally a chance to make camp early, enjoy the pool and relax.

Ellie got a camera from Gram & Grampa for her birthday. It has a great underwater feature.  See the picture below.
They also took uderwater videos.  Will figure out how to make them a smaller size and post them later tonight in another post.

Below is a photo of our campsite with dinner cooking - Tacos tonight, Ellie's favorite.  We are planning on painting fingers and toes and then a mean game of National Parks Monopoly.  Melissa expects David to win again - he refuses to sell or trade properties with anyone, that's his strategy.  But expecting it this time there should be no fighting (we hope :))!

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