Tuesday we broke camp around 10am and started the long trek across and down to the southwest corner of Utah. Went through the San Rafael Desert and Swells which were beautiful with red and white striated hills and Mesas. Stopped at a scenic view and the girls bought jewelry from some Native American women.
Then we crossed the Wasatch Plateau which only reached an elevation of 7,270ft. Melissa handled that one much better. After reach the other side of the mountain range, we traveled Southwest between two mountain ranges to get to Bryce Canyon National Park.
The driving across this part of Utah is either a lot of climbing and descending or twists and turns or both. So, we did not make the same king of time we make when driving across the Midwest. But we have to admit the scenery is gorgeous.
Arrived at Bryce Canyon National Park at 5:00pm and left the RV at a shuttle location outside the park. Made a quick stop at the Visitor's Center to watch the video and then boarded another shuttle to take us out to Bryce Point. The view was unbelievable. Ellie was afraid of the heights.
We hiked a 0.7mile trail along the rim of the Canyon and then hiked down a short path partly down into the Canyon before boarding the last shuttle out of the park at 7:40pm.
Made a quick dinner of hot dogs and brats in the RV at 8pm. Drove a little over an hour to reach our campground in Glenda, UT. By the time we pulled in it was dark and we were all tired. A big day ahead of us tomorrow so we climbed into bed.
Breathtaking pictures.....looks like fun and coolness in the narrows. Heat finally broke here last night...no storms..I am surprised with all the humdiddaty....off to visit hospitals now, leave Grets with grandpa at the church for a little while then home to pack and get to the cabin....could not do all I wanted last weekend as it was sooo hot so have some cleaning up outside to do. Patsy and group arrive tomorrow....if early enough we are going up to Duluth for the day to show them around. Mary and Bill, Jordan and Dylan over Sat. & Sun to visit and swim etc. Mom & Annette coming up Sat eve after Sophia's birthday party. Pups and Rox are fine...Rox esaped outside this morning....opened the screen door and ran from me....hopefully she will be ready to come in when I get back....she is such a stinker!! Have fun, love g&g&g