Sunday, July 24, 2011

Four States in One Day

Sunday, July 24:  We left Tusayan, AZ this morning and drove East back through Grand Canyon National Park.  We stopped at Desert View Watchtower again to take a few last photos of the Canyon and get our NP passport book stamped (we've done that at each of the NPs so far).

Most of the drive today was making our way East across Arizona.  We drove past more red and white plateaus, it is truly beautiful landscape.  Once outside the park driving East, the rest is Native American owned land including our one tourist stop today:  Four Corners.  This is the spot where the state lines of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico meet at one spot forming four corners.  The monument is run and maintained by the Navajo tribe.  It costs $3/person to enter the area.

We went and stood in line along with the other tourists awaiting our turn to actually stand on the spot where four states meet and take pictures.  Rachel and Ellie did this, then David had Ellie run in a circle crossing the four states while he took video.

We also spent a little time visiting the souvenir vendors and picked up a few small items.  Then it was back on the road to our destination, Mancosa, Colorado which is just 1/2 mile outside Mesa Verde National Park which we will be visiting tomorrow.   Oh and we couldn't resist sending the photo below to Nana.  David always said we'd get use of the hallway sink someday - It's Rachel's cosmetic counter.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Well. Grandpa says it looks just like the usual disaster in their home bathroom!!! Sure have enjoyed these pictures and stories of your trip. Zorro had Bob..(.Joyce's husband) and Grammy in stitches last night....we were coming up the steps at the cabin after a boat ride and Zorro came bounding around the corner and up the steps. He stepped on Jordans sandal which became velcroed around his ankle and started spinning madly around biting at it. At first Bob and I thought he was biting at a bug as he is such a scaredy cat about bugs...but then we saw and heard this shoe flapping on the deck but could hardly catch was so funny... i almost peed my pants laughing. Have fun tomorrow! G&G
